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Adventure Park and Uncle Tibi Dévényi at the EFOTT this year
Független Hírügynökség   2007 May 30, Wednesday  

Adventure Park in the middle of a lake, a veritable csárda in a tent and Uncle Tibi Dévényi is awaiting the university and other higher educational institutes’ students a this year’s EFOTT ( Hungarian abbreviation for National Touristic Festival of Students of University and other higher educational establishments).
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The festival will take place at the Lake Veker, in Debrecen. Organisers are expecting it to be the best ever.

The surroundings of Lake Veker in Debrecen will be the site of the event between July 24-29. During these 5 days more performers than ever before, 300 different programs at 12 sites await the young visitors. One of the novelties this year will be the Adventure Park, to be set up on the island in the lake offering quad driving, paintball and bungee jumping to adventurous visitors.

Another novelty will be the EFOTT Csárda in a giant tent with gipsy music, a fruit brandy house next door and spicy lacipecsenye/barbecue will definitely boost the happy mood of participants, a feeling which is disappearing nowadays -- Zoltán Dajka, organiser of the Festival told the Independent News Agency.

There will be something new in the partying tents too - he added. The most popular local weekly student event, the "bogey man party" moves from the riding arena in town to the lake. The most fashionable DJs will be in attendance and Uncle Tibi Dévényi will hold his 2 hour, after midnight retro-discos.

As far as performers are concerned little new is to be expected, everybody will be present who makes a festival enjoyable, including groups like Kispál és a borz, Gangsta Zolee, the Magna cum Laude, Depresszió, Bikini, Zanzibar and the Tankcsapda - who are closely tied to Debrecen.

Last year neatly 50 thousand youngsters visited the festival, organisers are expecting the same number this year or possibly more. Anyway they hope for the best ever event this time.

Those interested will find more details at w. w.w. efott. hu website.

Efott is the oldest youth festival, was first held in 1976 at Abaliget, near Pécs with a small attendance of 350 students. It has become a tradition that every year a different University is granted the right to organise the event, Debrecen hosts the event now for the second time.

Hozz�sz�l�sok Kedves Olvas�! Jelentkezzen be �s akkor hozz�sz�lhat a t�m�hoz! - Szegedi, orsz�gos �s sport h�rek a nap 24 �r�j�ban!:Hírek arrow Adventure Park and Uncle Tibi Dévényi at the EFOTT this year

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