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** ** License: Public Domain ** Warranty: None ** ***********************************************************************/ class pdf { // Just one private variable. // It holds the document. var $_buffer; var $_filename; // Constructor. Takes the pdf document as only parameter function pdf($file) { $this->_filename = $file; if(file_exists($this->_filename)){ $fp = fopen($this->_filename, "r"); $content = fread($fp, filesize($this->_filename)); fclose($fp); $this->_buffer = $content; }else{ echo "Error: File not found!"; } } // This function returns the next line from the document. // If a stream follows, it is deflated into readable text. function nextline() { $pos = strpos($this->_buffer, "\r"); if ($pos === false) { return false; } $line = substr($this->_buffer, 0, $pos); $this->_buffer = substr($this->_buffer, $pos + 1); if (preg_match("/stream/", $line)) { echo "stream found and counted for..."; $endpos = strpos($this->_buffer, "endstream"); $stream = substr($this->_buffer, 1, $endpos - 1); $stream = @gzuncompress($stream); $this->_buffer = $stream . substr($this->_buffer, $endpos + 9); } return $line; } // This function returns the next line in the document that is printable text. // We need it so we can search in just that portion. function textline() { $line = $this->nextline(); if ($line === false) { return false; } if (preg_match("/[^\\\\]\\((.+)[^\\\\]\\)/", $line, $match)) { $line = preg_replace("/\\\\(\d+)/e", "chr(0\\1);", $match[1]); return stripslashes($line); } $this->textline(); } function pdf2text() { $filecontent = ""; // String datatype container for the found text... // the file has the extension '.pdf' and needs to be 'txt'... $filename = ereg_replace("(.*)\.([^\.]*)$", "\\1", $this->_filename).".txt"; while (($line = $this->nextline()) !== false) { $filecontent .= $line."\n"; } if ($fp = fopen("$filename", "w+")) { fputs($fp, $filecontent, strlen($filecontent)); fclose ($fp); return true; } } // This function returns true or false, indicating whether the document contains // the text that is passed in $str. function textfound($str) { while (($line = $this->textline()) !== false) { if (preg_match("/$str/i", $line) != 0) { return true; } } return false; } } ?>
Galďż˝ria Galéria

Vendetta 2.Szegedi Ketrecharc Gála - 2009.03.07.

legjobb 10utols� felt�lt�sLegjobbra �rt�kelt

Nyitó oldal  Nyitďż˝ oldal > Sport > Vendetta 2.Szegedi Ketrecharc Gála - 2009.03.07.

K�pek: 157 m�dia tal�lhat� 3 / 14 oldalakon.

Vendetta 2. Szegedi Ketrecharc Gála
Vendetta 2. Szegedi Ketrecharc Gála
Vendetta 2. Szegedi Ketrecharc Gála

Vendetta 2. Szegedi Ketrecharc Gála
Vendetta 2. Szegedi Ketrecharc Gála
Vendetta 2. Szegedi Ketrecharc Gála

Vendetta 2. Szegedi Ketrecharc Gála
Vendetta 2. Szegedi Ketrecharc Gála
Vendetta 2. Szegedi Ketrecharc Gála

Vendetta 2. Szegedi Ketrecharc Gála
Vendetta 2. Szegedi Ketrecharc Gála
Vendetta 2. Szegedi Ketrecharc Gála - Szegedi, orsz�gos �s sport h�rek a nap 24 �r�j�ban!:Hírek

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